In a LinkedIn survey of 4,000 professionals globally, 94% of employees said they would stay at a company longer if the company invested in their career development. In a different survey by Gallup, “87% of millennials rate career growth and development opportunities as important in a job”. The same Gallup poll found that “opportunities to learn and grow” is among the top three factors for retaining employees. With that being said the LinkedIn survey also reported that the number one reason employees give for not taking time for learning is that they feel they don’t have time.
At Forrest Solutions, we believe deeply in investing in our employees and helping them grow in their careers. Through the years, we’ve offered training, internships, and mentoring programs, but we are always looking to do better, to exceed our employees’ expectations of what they need to learn and grow.
How do we meet our employees’ needs when they are available and when they need the training—the answer is micro-learning. Forrest Solutions University was born of this very real need! We’ve implemented a learning management system that provides our employees opportunities to learn in small, digestible chunks, anytime and anywhere they want. Courses are assigned based on roles, skill level, and the specific needs of employees. With over 2,700 courses to date and still growing, there is no end in sight for learning opportunities. The team has been extremely receptive to Forrest Solutions University, as Katelyn Powers, our Director of Learning and Development puts it:
“We are excited about where we are going as an organization. Our employees have been supportive and engaged, and I’m eager to see how much further we can grow.”
Others on the team are just as enthusiastic:
“The ability to start and stop, with access anywhere, is a top feature and the teams are excited.”
-Mike, Client Relationship Director
“I was surprised about how much information I was able to retain; the lessons are thought out and executed very well.”
-Sarah, Senior HR Administrator
“I enjoy the fact that all of the training is broken up into small lessons for ease of learning and time management. I also like that the training is relevant to my job and includes very useful information.”
-Lisa, Client Relations Manager
We’re proud of our commitment to helping our employees learn and grow!