This post is about our upcoming webinar entitled Re-Imagining Office Services During Covid in 2021 Part II. Our first webinar on the subject took place on January 19, 2021.
Please join us again on February 23, 2021 at 1PM – 1:30PM EST for a follow-up webinar with Anthony Davies, Forrest Solutions, Chief Revenue Officer, Raphi Salem, Forrest Solutions, Vice President, Marketing, Mike Raposa, RR Donnelley, Vice President, Operations, Rick Hellers, Co-Founder nQ Zebraworks and Ken Bassham, nQ Zebraworks, Chief Revenue Officer to discuss the role outsourcing, flexible staffing and technology will play in re-imaging the office environment in 2021 and beyond. COVID-19 has brought unprecedented human and humanitarian challenges. Many companies around the world have risen to the occasion, acting swiftly to safeguard employees and migrate to a new way of working that even the most extreme business-continuity plans hadn’t envisioned. Across industries, leaders will use the lessons from this large-scale work-from-home experiment to reimagine how work is done—and what role offices should play—in creative and bold ways.
RSVP: https://forrestsolutions.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kNoqZsywSBixNKbcIFIfcQ