How to Scope Your Scanning Project and Enable Your Organization’s Digital Transformation
Operational flexibility is now pivotal. Hybrid operations are here to stay and successful organizations are those that can unlock the value of its data and enable productivity and new workflows that are independent of real estate. This means digitization. Many organizations are stymied, warehousing millions of documents and not even knowing where to even start a digitization project nor how to make it cost-effective. This hands-on session with Chief Revenue Officer, Anthony Davies, will break down the steps of the process, including:
- How to scope cost and calculate the number of documents to be digitized
- How to grade the documents and therefore determine the speed at which you can image them
- How to resource the project in various resource models
- How resource models affect the timeline and budget of the project
Presenters: Anthony Davies, Chief Revenue Officer of Forrest Solutions
Steve Irons, President of DocSolid
Date: Thursday, February 17th, 2022
Time 12:30 PM – 1:30PM EST