This Am Law 200 firm is comprised of 400 attorneys and 9 offices. Forrest Solutions has been providing mailroom services onsite to the firm since 2012 when the company succeeded in a rigorous, competitive RFP process and replaced a large, national outsourcing company.
The Director of Office Services at the firm oversees everything from hospitality, reception, purchasing, operations, print/scan, records, and the firm’s mailroom operations across all 9 offices that range from 10,000 square foot to 60,000 square feet. The Director of Office Services comments:
“Having Forrest Solutions as my expert professionals managing the mailroom allows me to focus on my core objectives which is addressing firmwide issues across a vast array of complex office services.”
Then the pandemic hit.
“Everyone will get their mail today. Forrest Solutions is here onsite.” Managing Partner
COVID-19 arrived and firm leadership immediately realized that even though no one would be coming into the office, postal mail inbound for attorneys with sensitive client information was still mission critical and needed to reach its destination as if the attorneys were in office. The Director of Office Services worked with the Forrest Solutions team to quickly re-invent the mailroom operation to ensure seamless delivery of critical information, despite the radical disruption to operations.
The office complexes were shut down to the firm’s staff, excepting firm leadership, the purchasing manager, the records manager, and the Forrest Solutions staff who all worked to ensure business continuity for the entire firm.
Forrest Solutions swiftly created a rapid response team, identified available scanners, designed and implemented safety protocols for onsite Forrest Solutions staff, and deployed a scan-to-email operation. Forrest Solutions’ swift response ensured that digital mailroom operations were successfully stood up and deployed day one.
Client Takeaways:
“Forrest Solutions’ always says yes, always says we’ll get this done for you. There was never even a moment of hesitation, never a skipped beat.” The Director of Office Services
In fact, the new digital mailroom operation was so successful, the practice became the new normal at the firm leadership. The Forrest Solutions staff made a permanent pivot to continue the digital operations seamlessly.
The Director of Office Services concluded, “Having Forrest Solutions onsite gives me the opportunity to be the best Director for Facilities and Operations possible because it allows me to be assured the firm’s operations are in competent, intelligent hands while my focus remains on firmwide issues and serving our clients as best as possible. Outsourcing enables the right people to come in and do the right job, with local people hired from local markets.”
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